Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Power of Words

I have recently read two articles that both reinforce the true power of the words spoken (or written) to a child and how even years later they can make a lasting impression on a person's life. Our superintendent sent us an article entitled, "From Jail to Harvard: Why Teachers Change the World" by Dr. Adam Saenz, who is a former student in our school district. In this article, Saenz shares that he had many odds against him and his success as a student, but in his darkest days he found two letters from former teachers that encouraged him and made him believe in himself. They spoke of his intelligence, wisdom, and good heart which led him to begin his college career which ended up with a PhD at Harvard University.
The other article was from the perspective of a parent, written by Kylene Beers when her daughter started Kindergarten and oh how she loved her Kindergarten teacher because of her loving ways and kind words; almost to the point where Kylene felt she had been replaced.
Ironically, the pastor of my church began a series this past Sunday on "Power Lines" in the Bible in which a simple line or phrase can make such an impact on someone's life. I bet we can all recall something that was said to us as a child that made us feel so proud or good about ourselves. In the same token, unfortunately many of us can remember something that was said to us as a child that hurt us to our core and we will never forget it.
What does this say to us as educators? Choose your words wisely... you never know whose life you might change! We must always think to ourselves, "Would I want someone to say that to my child?"

(If you would like to read the two articles listed above, go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/adam-saenz/from-jail-to-harvard-why-_b_1747252.html
and http://kylenebeers.com/blog/2012/08/20/why-i-hated-merediths-first-grade-teacher-an-open-letter-to-americas-teachers/)

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